Live the kingdom lifestyle & launch into your purpose.

What You’ll Learn

  • Hearing God’s voice clearly is vital to walking in the fullness of God’s purpose for your life.

    We teach you several keys to hearing God’s voice for your personal life, your family, your business/ministry, and your calling. We will show you how to know it’s God talking to you and not another voice.

  • Do you feel stuck? Are in the same place in life that you were in the last year, two years, or ten years? Have you been weighed down by disappointment, frustration, fear, anxiety, etc.? Are these interfering with your walk with God, creating toxic relationship patterns, preventing you from keeping a job, keeping you financially stuck?

    You were created to flourish in your spirit, your emotions, your relationships, and your calling.

    KLS teaches you to identify and get rid of lies and root causes that keep you in these limiting cycles.

    You will learn to walk in freedom and transformation through the finished work of Christ, the Father heart of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can propel into your purpose an thrive in every area of life.

  • News of pandemics, economic collapse, and global crises keep many Christians bound up in fear, anxiety, and survival mode.

    KLS teaches you the ways of the kingdom so you can live above the chaos of a crazy world where everything seems to be falling apart around you.

    We teach you to access heaven’s abundance so that you can prosper in times of economic uncertainty, walk out God’s purpose for your life, and be a source of radical generosity

  • Each one of us daily encounters broken people who are desperate for an encounter with a living God.

    We teach you to prophesy accurately, to heal the sick, and to minister freedom to the oppressed so you bring God’s transforming life to everyone around you.

    Come receive Spirit-led “PHD” training: Prophecy, Healing, and Deliverance.

  • Ever felt lost? Have you ever asked “Who am I? Where am I going in life? What am I called to do?”

    You were created for more than just punching the clock, coasting through life, and binge-watching TV series.

    KLS will teach you to discover who you are, what He has created you to do, and the next steps for launching into your destiny.

    It’s time to kick mediocrity to the curb and embrace your destiny in God.

Student Testimonies

“A significant breakthrough came during a forgiveness exercise at the kick-off retreat the first week of KLS (with an additional layer of breakthrough happening during another forgiveness exercise later in the semester). Not only did I release forgiveness over that person, but I feel like forgiving them helped release *me* from the grip of the negative thought patterns I had absorbed from our relationship.

My mind-space feels more "mine" now, more at peace, and more confident. Yay!!!”

“I stepped out in faith and sowed a seed towards KLS and prayed Mark 11:24. Whatever you pray for and believe you shall receive when God calls you.  He always makes provision because you will never have enough money to do what God has called you to do. I saw the transformation of others that had gone through this course and it provoked me to jealousy. I stepped out in faith to join, and the Lord provided for my tuition. Now I know my purpose is to be a lover of God and walk in the first commandment and my calling is to stand and declare the destiny God has for Israel.  It’s God‘s good pleasure to give us the kingdom and I’m so glad he launched me into my personal and eternal calling through KLS?

Fall Semester

Get ready to be unlocked, set free, and empowered so that the love and power of God can overflow through you. We teach you to experience freedom, hear God’s voice clearly, and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spring Semester

Get ready to propel into your calling and prosper in life through the ways of the kingdom. We teach you the kingdom way to access heaven’s abundance in your finances, accelerate in your vocation, and launch into your destiny.

Meet The Team

  • Matthew Esquivel

    Director of Kingdom Leadership School

  • Tracy & John Eckert

    Senior Pastors of Storehouse

  • Lindsay Hatch

    Executive Pastor of Storehouse